PSCP Library of Trainings

We offer a variety of trainings for individuals and organizations of all sizes.

For Grieving Individuals

  • Guilt and regret in grief


    Advocacy 101

    Creative coping skills (e.g., art, music, writing)

    Signs and symbols in grief

    Making meaning out of dreams

    Grief around the holidays

    Talking to children about grief

    Understanding addiction

    Continuing bonds

    Secondary loss

    Grief theories

    Post-traumatic growth after grief

  • This training is for anyone with an interest in starting and/or facilitating a peer grief support group.

  • Item description

For Human Service Providers

For Harm Reduction, Treatment, and/or Grief-Focused Organizations

  • The Need for Direct Service Provider Supports - (2 hours)

    An overview of current issues facing DSPs, and an overview on different methods for coping and building resilience. The methods covered are foundational to all subsequent trainings.

    Workday Tools for Direct Service Providers - (2 hours)

    Quick and easy ways for DSPs to maintain their window of tolerance and regulate themselves throughout the workday.

    Remembering Those We’ve Lost - (2 hours)

    There is a marked increase in people dying from overdose and other SUD related causes. This examines ways we can recognize and process the death of clients, colleagues, and family.

    Working With Families - (2 hours)

    DSPs interact with family members of people who use drugs for a number of reasons. We can be unsure of what we can offer or how to best interact with them. This explores information family members might need to know and things to keep in mind when interacting with them.

    Advocacy for Direct Service Providers - (2 - 3 hours)

    This training stresses the importance of advocacy for direct service providers. It is a mandate of most human service codes of ethics and it has the ability to effect change to make our jobs better and more effective. We will cover a number of ways DSPs can engage in advocacy and go over the basics of messaging and talking points. This particular training can be extended to increase the interactivity and cover more of a particular area an organization might want. (For example, an organization with an upcoming advocacy day or legislative breakfast.)

    Harm Reduction Yourself - (2 hours)

    This workshop will explore areas such as our own substance use, mental health, interpersonal relationships where the idea of “meeting ourselves where we are at” and can utilize the practice of harm reduction on ourselves. This provides a way to build sustainability and resilience as humans doing direct service work amidst overdose and other crises.

  • DSP Grief Support group - (90 minutes)

    We have been running a twice weekly grief support group for DSPs in Massachusetts. Time is used to recognize loss, discuss grief and interrelated topics, and spend time practicing mindfulness techniques.

    Can also be delivered for a particular group or population 1-3 times.

    DSP Support Group Facilitator training - (6-8 hours)

    Multi part training series. Covers the RIVER system, which is used to frame and guide facilitation, group techniques, technology, and common issues to prepare someone to facilitate a support group. Delivered in 2-4 sessions.